Love This City | Denver Beer Company
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Explore our Canworks Facility while sampling Denver Beer Co beers along the way. Our full time staff will be there to guide you and answer any questions you may have. Tour group size is limited to 15 guests per tour. Private tours for smaller groups are also available.

For more information or to schedule your tour, please email us at [email protected].

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Photo: Shawn Gavlick arrow
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Love This City



With open hearts, we love this city.

The design for this beer was created in partnership with Denver artist Pat Milbery whose iconic "Love this City'' mural art has become a symbol of the Mile High City. Milbery's hearts represent the many layers of love and the City of Denver's loving energy for those who call it home. Crisp and refreshing, Love This City bubbles brightly with a light floral and fruity hop character. Well lagered for a clean and easy drinking finish that leaves you longing for another. We can’t predict where love, this city, or these beers will take you, but we hope this beer inspires you to travel with an open heart and loving energy. 5% ABV

STYLE Pilsner ABV 5.0% ABV

Colorado Brewed and Canned

Featuring iconic “Love this City” mural art by Pat Millbery

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